Fluval C2 Power Filter, Aquariumfilter für Aquarien bis zu 30 Gallonen.




PRODUKTBESCHREIBUNG Der Fluval C2 Power Filter verfügt über 5 Filterstufen: 2 mechanische, 1 chemische und 2 biologische Stufen für Spitzenleistung. Der C2 Power Filter ist mit dem Fluval C2 Poly/Foam, Aktivkohle, C-Knoten und Bio-Screen-Pad ausgestattet. Eine integrierte, mit C-Knoten gefüllte Rieselkammer ist der Ort, an dem die biologische Filterung für eine schnelle und effiziente Nitrifikation optimiert wird. Die mechanische Filterung erfolgt durch eine Doppelschicht aus Schaumstoff und Polyester und lässt sich zur schnellen Reinigung leicht entfernen. Das patentierte Rezirkulationsgitter verbessert die mechanische Filterung bei reduzierter Durchflussrate. Ein praktischer Chemikalieneinsatzkorb leitet den Wasserfluss, um die Entfernung von Giftstoffen zu maximieren. Wenn Sie jeweils nur eine Phase beibehalten, bleiben nützliche Bakterien erhalten, was zu einer stressfreien Umgebung führt und gleichzeitig dafür sorgt, dass das Aquarienwasser klar bleibt. Der Fluval C2 Power Filter lässt sich aufstecken und ist ideal für den Einsatz in Aquarien mit bis zu 30 Gallonen Fassungsvermögen. Es ist die perfekte Möglichkeit, Ihren Fischen erfrischendes und klares Wasser zu bieten. Weiteres Zubehör für Aquarien finden Sie in anderen Fluval-Produkten, darunter Aquarienfilter, Aquarienheizer, Aquarienluftpumpen, Aquarienleuchten, Aquariensteine, Aquarienthermometer und Aquarienständer. Fluval verfügt über eine große Auswahl an Produkten, die Ihren Heimfischen perfekt zur Freude in jedem großen Aquarium, kleinen Aquarium, Salzwasseraquarium oder Süßwasseraquarium geeignet sind. Mit der Einführung des weltweit ersten 3-Stufen-Filters mit Synchronmotor-Technologie gelang Fluval im Jahr 1975 der Durchbruch in der Wassersportbranche – ein Durchbruch, der auch heute noch in der Branche Anwendung findet. Seitdem hat Fluval ein Vermächtnis rund um diesen Pioniergeist aufgebaut und sich unermüdlich an eine sich verändernde Welt angepasst, um innovative Aquarienprodukte auf den Markt zu bringen, die an der Spitze der Technologie bleiben und die Maßstäbe in Qualität, Stil und Funktionalität setzen. Bei Fluvals Mission geht es nicht nur darum, Produkte zu entwickeln, die die Natur nachahmen, sondern auch darum, Aquarianer aller Erfahrungsstufen dazu zu inspirieren, das Hobby auch für kommende Generationen zu genießen und zu respektieren. AMAZON.COM Leistungsfilter der Fluval C-Serie MAXIMALE VIELSEITIGKEIT UND ERSTKLASSIGE LEISTUNG Der Fluval C-Leistungsfilter wurde für eine hervorragende Wasserqualität entwickelt und bietet eine umfassende 5-Stufen-Filtration für hervorragende Ergebnisse. Der Power-Filter ist so konzipiert, dass er in allen Phasen des Filtrationsprozesses eine maximale Oberfläche und optimale Verweilzeiten bietet. NEUES 5-STUFEN-FILTRATIONSSYSTEM Stufe 1 und 2: Mechanisch – Poly-/Schaumstoff-Pad. Eine effektive mechanische Filtration ist für eine effiziente chemische und biologische Filtration unerlässlich. Die große Oberfläche des Poly-/Schaumstoffpolsters führt effektiv zwei Stufen der mechanischen Filterung durch. Die erste Stufe aus porösem Schaumstoff fängt große Partikel ein und die zweite Stufe aus dichtem Polyester fängt feine Ablagerungen auf. Stufe 3: Chemisch-aktivierter Kohlefiltereinsatz Der Fluval-Aktivkohlefiltereinsatz enthält 100 % erstklassigen Kohlenstoff in Forschungsqualität, der große Mengen an Oberfläche bietet Adsorption unerwünschter Verunreinigungen. Der Aktivkohlefiltereinsatz entfernt unerwünschte Gerüche, Verfärbungen und Verunreinigungen und sorgt so für ein kristallklares Aquarium.Stufe 4: Biological-Bio-Screen Ein zusätzlicher hydraulischer Kreislauf leitet einen Teil des Zulaufwassers zum Bio-Screen, der oben am Riesel angebracht ist Kammerabdeckung. Der Bio-Screen von Fluval entfernt alle Rückstände, bevor sie in die biologische Kammer tropfen. Es stellt außerdem sicher, dass das zur Tropfkammer gepumpte Wasser gleichmäßig in allen Bereichen verteilt wird, bevor es auf die in der Kammer enthaltenen C-Knoten tropft. Die Bewegung des Wassers, das langsam durch die Gitter tropft, ahmt den Regen nach.Stufe 5: Biologisch-C-Knoten Die Oberfläche der C-Knoten besteht aus einem komplexen Porensystem, das optimalen Lebensraum für nützliche Bakterien bietet, um zu gedeihen und die Entfernung zu verbessern von Ammoniak und Nitriten. Die neue „Sternform“ bietet eine größere Filterfläche und mehr biologische Leistung als eine herkömmliche Kartusche, was zu einer gesunden Aquarienumgebung führt. PATENTIERTE REFILTRATIONSSYSTEME Manchmal benötigen empfindliche Fische und Pflanzen einen sanfteren Wasserfluss. Mit dem patentierten Refiltrationssystem von Fluvals können Sie die Durchflussrate steuern, ohne die Filtrationseffizienz zu beeinträchtigen. Bei Reduzierung der Durchflussmenge werden bis zu 50 % des Wassers in der Filterkammer mehrfach aufbereitet. Es werden mehr Verunreinigungen herausgefiltert, wodurch ein gesünderes Aquarium mit strahlend sauberem und klarem Wasser entsteht. WAS IST IN DER BOX?1. Filterabdeckung 2. Filtergehäuse 3. Nivelliergerät 4. C-Knoten 5. „U“-Rohr 6. Teleskop-Ansaugrohr 7. Bio-Sieb 8. Mechanischer Rahmen 9. Chemikalienkorb 10. Laufradabdeckungsbaugruppe 11. Laufrad 12. Biologisch Rieselkammer mit Abdeckung 13. Poly-/Schaumpolster 14. Aktivkohle 15. Motoreinheit mit DichtungsringMEDIEN UND ZUBEHÖRMEDIENAUSTAUSCHFluval Poly/Schaum: Ersetzen Sie Poly/Schaum alle 4–6 Wochen. Biologische C-Knoten: Ersetzen Sie die halbe Menge alle 6 Monate . Ersetzen Sie niemals alle C-Knoten auf einmal. Aktivkohleeinsatz: Ersetzen Sie die Aktivkohle alle 2–4 Wochen. Bio-Sieb: Ersetzen Sie das Bio-Sieb alle 2–3 Monate WARTUNG Für eine optimale Leistung wird empfohlen, die Laufradabdeckung einmal im Jahr zu reinigen. Der Motor sollte alle drei Monate gründlich gereinigt werden. Ziehen Sie vor der Reinigung immer den Netzstecker des Fluval C Power Filters. Entfernen Sie die Abdeckung und das Filtermedium und entsorgen Sie das im Filtergehäuse verbleibende Wasser. Spülen Sie angesammelte Rückstände gründlich mit klarem, lauwarmem Wasser vom Gehäuse, der Laufradabdeckung und der Laufradbaugruppe ab. Das Ansaug-U-Rohr und das Verlängerungsrohr können mit einer Filterstielbürste gereinigt werden, um eventuelle Ablagerungen zu entfernen. Wenn alle Teile gereinigt und gründlich gespült wurden, bauen Sie den Filter wieder zusammen und ersetzen Sie alle vorgesehenen Medien. Installieren Sie den Filter erneut im Aquarium und achten Sie darauf, dass der Filter leicht nach vorne geneigt ist. Anschließend füllen Sie die Filterbox Fluval C mit Aquarienwasser. Schließen Sie den Filter abschließend an eine Steckdose an und der Fluval C Power Filter wird sich selbst ansaugen und beginnt in wenigen Sekunden zu laufen. Modell Fluval C2 Power Filter Fluval C3 Power Filter Fluval C4 Power Filter Aquariumkapazität 10 bis 30 US-Gallonen 20 bis 50 US-Gallonen 40 bis 70 US-Gallonen Abmessungen 4,5 x 6 x 8 Zoll 4,5 x 7 x 8 Zoll 6 x 8,2 x 8,5 Zoll Stufen 5-Stufen-Filtration 5-Stufen-Filtration 5-Stufen-Filtration Max. Durchflussrate 119 US Gal/H 153 US Gal/H 264 US Gal/H FLUVAL C FILTRATION/MEDIAFluval Poly Foam Pad – 3er-PackFLUVAL POLY FOAM PAD – 3er-PACKDas Fluval C Poly Foam Pad-Ersatzmedien im 3er-Pack haben zwei Seiten, die zusammen eine gründliche und effektive mechanische Filterung ermöglichen. Der Fluval C Poly Foam fängt große Schmutzpartikel auf seiner porösen Schaumstoffseite ein, während die Polyesterseite feinere Schmutzpartikel und Verunreinigungen herausfiltert.Fluval Bio-Screen – 3er-PackFLUVAL BIO-SCREEN – 3er-PACKDas Fluval C Bio-Screen-Ersatzmedium bietet Riesige biologische Oberfläche, auf der sich freundliche Bakterien ansiedeln können. Es blockiert auch Schmutz und verteilt den Wasserfluss gleichmäßig, bevor es in die biologische Rieselkammer des Power-Filters tropft.Fluval Carbon – 3er-PackFLUVAL CARBON – 3er-PACKDas 3er-Pack Fluval C-Aktivkohle-Ersatzmedium ist in der Lage, die meisten zu absorbieren verflüssigte Verunreinigungen und Farbstoffe im Aquarienwasser. Der Kohlenstoff entfernt Gerüche und Verfärbungen aus Ihrem Tank. Fluval C-Aktivkohle eignet sich für Süß- und Meerwasseraquarien, wurde jedoch ausschließlich für den Fluval C Power Filter entwickelt. Fluval Zeo-Carb – 3er-PackFLUVAL ZEO-CARB – 3er-PACKDer Fluval C Zeo-Carb-Filtereinsatz kombiniert Ammoniakentfernung mit hochgradiger Kohlenstoffreinigung. Gemeinsam beseitigen diese hochwirksamen Medien verflüssigte Verunreinigungen, Gerüche und Verfärbungen und entfernen gleichzeitig giftiges Ammoniak – für ein sauberes, gesundes Aquarium. Fluval Ammoniak-Entferner – 3er-PackFLUVAL Ammoniak-Entferner – 3er-PackDie Fluval C Ammoniak-Entferner-Medien im 2er-Pack sind ideal für neue oder stark besiedelte Süßwasseraquarien. Es entfernt und kontrolliert schädliches Ammoniak und Nitrit, was dazu beiträgt, den Stress für Fische zu reduzieren. Verwenden Sie dieses Produkt, um eine gesunde Umgebung zu schaffen, wenn Sie ein neues Aquarium einrichten oder ein Aquarium mit hohem Fischbestand pflegen.Fluval C-NodesFLUVAL C-NODESluval C-Nodes verfügen über ein komplexes Porensystem, in dem nützliche Bakterien gedeihen. Ihre Sternform bietet eine größere Filterfläche und mehr biologische Kraft als die meisten biologischen Medien, was zu einer gesunden Aquarienumgebung führt. Die Fluval C-Nodes sind für die Verwendung mit den Fluval C-Leistungsfiltern vorgesehen. FLUVAL WASSERPFLEGEZusätze und Pflegemittel für Aquarien sind eine praktische Möglichkeit, Wasserbedingungen zu schaffen, die denen in der Natur nachempfunden sind; Sie machen Wasser für Aquarien sicher, indem sie schädliche Giftstoffe entfernen, helfen Pflanzen beim Wachstum, indem sie ihnen die notwendigen Spurenelemente liefern, und sind eine einfache Möglichkeit, die Wasserqualität in einem Aquarium aufrechtzuerhalten, indem sie Abfallstoffe entfernen und der Umwelt nützliche Bakterien hinzufügen. Die neuen Fluval-Wasseraufbereitungssysteme wurden von unserem engagierten Spezialistenteam entwickelt und in unserer hochmodernen Flüssigkeitsanlage in Kanada hergestellt. Sie sind wissenschaftlich formuliert, um saubere, klare und sichere Lebensbedingungen für Aquarienfische und -pflanzen zu schaffen. Hagen Fluval Wasseraufbereiter für AquarienHAGEN FLUVAL WASSERAUFBEREITER FÜR AQUARIENDer Fluval Water Conditioner ist ein hocheffizienter, umfassender Wasseraufbereiter, der Leitungswasser für Fische sicher macht, indem er Chlor und Chloramine entfernt und giftige Schwermetalle neutralisiert. Fluval Water Conditioner verfügt über eine patentierte Formel zum Stressabbau und schützt außerdem wirksam Schuppen und Flossen und beugt Entzündungen vor. Hagen Fluval Biological Enhancer für AquarienHAGEN FLUVAL BIOLOGICAL ENHANCER FÜR AQUARIENFluval Biological Enhancer ist ein reaktionsfähiges biologisches Aquarium-Ergänzungsmittel, das sicherstellt, dass alle Aquarien sofort mit einem leistungsstarken Team nützlicher Bakterien geimpft werden und Ihren Fischen einen sicheren biologischen Lebensraum bieten. Diese hochwirksamen Mikroorganismen schaffen eine biologische Flora, die tödliches Ammoniak und Nitrit schnell verstoffwechselt.Hagen Fluval Biologischer Reiniger für AquarienHAGEN FLUVAL BIOLOGISCHER REINIGER FÜR AQUARIENDer biologische Fluval-Reiniger trägt dazu bei, die Wartung von Aquarien zu reduzieren, indem er dazu beiträgt, Abfall in Kies, Leistungsfiltern, Dekoration usw. zu reduzieren Innenflächen von Aquarien. Fluval Biological Cleaner reduziert schnell organische Abfälle aus Überfütterung, Fischabfälle und anderes verrottendes Material wie Pflanzenblätter.Hagen Fluval Plant Micro Nutrient für AquarienHAGEN FLUVAL PLANT MICRO NUTRIENT FÜR AQUARIENFluval Plant Micro Nutrients ist ein ausgewogenes Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, das für gesunde, lebendige Aquarienpflanzen unerlässlich ist. Leitungswasser enthält häufig keine notwendigen Spurenelemente, die von Wasserpflanzen benötigt werden, und Pflanzen verbrauchen schnell verfügbare Mikronährstoffe. Eine regelmäßige Ergänzung ist erforderlich. Fluval Quick Clear für die Aquarienwasseraufbereitung Aquarienwasser, wie suspendierte organische und anorganische Partikel, Schmutz, Schlitze und feiner Sand. Seine spezielle Formulierung verklumpt Partikelabfälle durch ionische Anziehung, verbessert die Filterabsorption erheblich und sorgt für kristallklares Wasser. Fluval Clarify Bio zur AquarienwasseraufbereitungFLUVAL CLARIFY BIO zur AquarienwasseraufbereitungFluval Bio Clear enthält schnell wirkende Enzyme, die trübes Aquarienwasser auf natürliche Weise klären. Seine biologische Formulierung reinigt effektiv trübes Wasser, indem frei schwebende organische Nahrungsquellen, Proteine ​​und andere organische Elemente schnell verbraucht werden. Bio Clear wird zur Klärung von trübem Wasser empfohlen, das durch das New-Tank-Syndrom verursacht wird.

Biologische Rieselkammer mit Superladung für schnelle und effiziente Nitrifikation, wenn sie mit Fluval C-Nodes beladen ist. Die biologische Bühne verfügt über ein Bio-Screen-Pad, blockiert Schmutz und bietet eine große Oberfläche für nützliche biologische Aktivität. Die chemische Stufe mit Aktivkohle entfernt effektiv Giftstoffe. Zwei mechanische Stufen fangen große und feine Rückstände ein, die Schäume gleiten zur schnellen Reinigung leicht heraus. 5-stufiger Clip-On-Power-Filter für Süß- und Salzwasseraquarien zwischen 10 und 30 Gallonen.
Brand Fluval
Country of Origin Italy
Is Discontinued By Manufacturer No
Item Form Power
Item model number 14001A1
Item Weight 2 Pounds
Liquid Volume 115 Liters
Manufacturer Rolf C. Hagen (USA) Corp.
Product Dimensions 8 x 7.5 x 5 inches; 2 Pounds
Target Species Fish


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Scritto da: kenny
Great filter - love it
I have the c4. It's great and I have been in the hobby for over 30 years. I am using it on a 20 gallon tank. You can never have too much flow rate. To slow the turbulence I use a Fluval Edge prefilter, the flow adjuster and an aquaclear 50 foam sponge at the water output. Let me comment on a few negatives people have written about this filter. 1) The water in my tank is crystal clear and as Jack Nicholson and Tom Cruise said in "A Few Good Men" ...."It's that simple." "Are we clear?" "Yes, sir." "ARE WE CLEAR!?" "Crystal" ..... LOL,love that movie. To those who said the water is cloudy, yes, it was at first. I think it was because of the C nodes. You need to either rinse it clear for hours before using it or just let the filter do it in the tank. It took about 2-3 days to clear up but once it did, the water in my tank is crystal clear. I have been running it for 2 weeks and without the charcoal. I replace it with the aquaclear Biomax to increase the biological media. The Biomax and C nodes' fine powder dust clouded the water but like I said, it's clear crystal clear now. Just let the filter do it's job and the water will be crystal clear in a couple of days. 2) My filter is so quiet that you don't know it's on. What I did was apply some vaseline onto the impeller shaft and into the hole of the impeller. I did this without hearing if it needed to or not. I just applied it before I used it. The motor has NO noise at all and the lid does not rattle. The only thing you hear is the water cascading out of the filter. 3) The self priming issue is that you need to fill the filter box with water before you start it. Once it is filled with water, it will self primes when you plug it in. It will take about a minute to self prime as it sucks up the water through the siphon tube. To help the self prime and make it more efficient, I clogged the hole on top of the U intake tube. Now when you unplug the filter and replug it it starts right up without it needing to refill (self prime) the intake tube. If you do a water change and the water in the tank falls just above the bottom of the U intake tube inside the filter box you will need to refill the filter box otherwise it won't self prime. So add water into the box when you refill your tank and when you replug your filter, it will self prime. 4) Try to buy the larger filter (C4) if you can. You can always change the impeller to the smaller impeller if you feel the flow it too much or modify it like I did with prefilter sponge and aquaclear 50 foam. With the bigger filter, it'll clean more and hold more beneficial bateria. And if and when you upgrade your tank, you won't need to buy a new filter. The impellers for the fluval C series and aquaclear are the same. Matter of fact, the motors are the same for all fluval C series and aquaclear except for the 110 model. It's the impeller that determines the flow rate and they are interchangeable between models and sizes except the 110. All the positives you've read about this filter is true. It's easy to clean, the red tab that notifies you that your filter foam needs cleaning is great; you are not stuck with any proprietary media which usually cost a lot more to replace; the foam pad and bio media DO NOT need to be replaced - just rinse the foam pad or bio media in used or dechlorinated water. They should last for several years. If you use activated carbon/charcoal which I don't, you'll need to replace them every so often depending on your tank load. You can buy any brand of activated carbon and put it into a nylon bag and it's save you money. Try to use a prefilter. It's attached to the bottom of the intake tube. It helps to catch the debris and uneaten food before it goes to the foam pad keeping it cleaner. It'll also increase your beneficial bacteria load and your fish will love to peck on it for the uneaten food. The only thing is that you'll need to rinse it once in a while or it will clog up completely and slow the filter down to a trickle. Just rinse it when you do your water change. Hope this helps.....may your fishes be happy and healthy Update: Feb 22, 2013. The filter is still going strong. The reading of the water has been 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, and 5 nitrate with weekly water changes. It would probably be the same with a water change every other week. And this is in a very overstocked aquarium. The only thing I need to do is rinsed the prefilter with every water change or it will clog up and restrict the water flow to a trickle and the water to the trickle part of the filter will not get any water. That's how good the prefilter is in catching the debris and keeping the foam and biomax clean. The red tab pop up device has never moved and when I check the foam it is very clean but I do rinsed the foam every 3 months and LIGHTLY rinse/shake the biomax every 6 months in used aquarium water. DO NOT buy NEW foam or biomax. Just rinse them. They will last several years if not forever especially if you use a prefilter and the prefilter does not need to be changed just rinsed also. I had to clean the impeller just recently since it wouldn't start back up/spin. It had a lot of slime. I just rinsed off the slime from the impeller and shaft and reapplied some vaseline and it was of and running like new. The water is crystal clear also. Update: Jan 13, 2015. The filter is still going strong. Still quiet as when I first bought it. I have upgraded my tank to 25 gallons and it's still working like a charm. I have not bought any replacements, just rinsed the prefilters, pads, biomax, c nodes and impeller. My readings are still 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, and 5 nitrate and I'm changing my water once a month and sometimes once every two months (getting lazy). This is a great filter. Updated.... Feb 22, 2016. The filter is till going strong. Quiet as when it was new. I did replace the form as it was wearing down from squeezing it when I clean it. All the bio medias are still in good and hasn't broken down. M water reading are the same. Changing water less frequent. Getting lazy because of the good water quality from the filter but not good for the fish which needs the minerals from new water and removal of nitrates. Update.....2/6/2019. The filter is still going strong. Have not replaced any parts except for the foam that i mentioned before. The motor is still quiet and pumping like new. The biomedia are still intach and have not broken down. I have not been as diligent in chaging the water as before. Been changing the water about every three months and the numbers still reading 0,0,5. Upgrading the biomedia and using the C4 will do wonders for your aquarium and ease maintenance care.
Scritto da: citan-uzuki
Gets the job done!
This filter is currently running on a 20 gallon long tank. It is getting the job done, but so was the Whisper that it replaced. The health of your tank will be mostly affected by your feeding habits and maintenance routine, more so than which brand of power filter that you have running. I made the switch because the Whisper cartridge can only hold a small amount of activated carbon. The tank has two large pieces of mopani wood that are constantly releasing tannins in the water. I needed a power filter that has the ability to hold a lot of carbon. That narrowed the choice down to the Fluval C2 and the Marineland Emperor. The Emperors are large filters with high water flow. I wanted a slower rate of flow than the smallest Emperor can provide. That was the deciding factor. How good is this filter? I would say that it is just as effective as any power filter from a reputable manufacturer. The purchase price is a bit higher than most other brands, however. Is it worth it? Maybe. Let us compare this with the Aquaclear line from Hagen. Both have designs that allow for a lot of water by-pass. This is typical of power filters and is by design to compensate for clogged filter media. The power filter's main advantages are lower purchase price, ease of set up, and ease of maintenance when compared to a canister filter. The disadvantages are inefficiency (lots of water by-pass) and limited space for chemical media. The most unusual feature of this power filter is the trickle box. This box holds ceramic biological media above the water line. The design trickles water through the ceramic media, above the water level. Having the media above the water allows the bacteria more access to oxygen. Theoretically, this should allow this filter to decompose ammonia much faster than most of its competitors. The Aquaclears also use ceramic biological media, but below the water level. The idea is that having the bio media above the water allows the system to function like a Wet-Dry filter. This is not a new idea. Perhaps the best implementation of this concept in a power filter design was the old Tetra Second Nature WDF 3000/4000. Unfortunately, Tetra has chosen to discontinue that excellent filter design many years ago. The Marineland bio-wheel is another design that uses the Wet-Dry concept. If you have a high biological load in your tank, then perhaps the added efficiency of this design's bio-filtration might be worth it. The C2 will hold more carbon than the Whisper. Carbon capacity is on par with the Aquaclear. Unfortunately, I could not find an equivalent-sized Emperor. The smallest Emperor is rated at 280 gph. This one is less than half that amount. As far as mechanical filtration, this one allows for more by-pass than the Whisper. Yes, the C2 has a more substantial dual-density mechanical pad, but it also has a feature that allows the water to go around the pad. Actually, the water that is sent to the trickle box is unfiltered. Hence, it is a good idea to always use the bio-screen on top of the trickle box. The quality is similar to the Aquaclear line. No better, no worse. Circulation is approximately equal to that of the Aquaclear 20. The red removable baskets allow you to change the filter's media very easily. It is just as quiet, or just as noisy, as an Aquaclear. Depending on whether you consider the AQ to be loud or silent. Each of us have our own idea of what we consider loud. Which filter is a better choice? The Aquaclear will save you money in the long run, and you have more flexibility because of the larger media box. The C2 will require that you replace the dual-density mechanical filter pad regularly. If your 20 gallon tank is overstocked, then perhaps the additional bio-filtration efficiency of the C2 would be worth it to you. The Aquaclear would be a more economical choice, if your tank is not overstocked and if you do not feed heavily. If you have a 30 gallon tank, my advice would be to choose the Emperor 280. When you start getting to the larger size tanks that can handle high water circulation, the Emperor becomes the better choice. Less water by-pass. The bio-wheel design is very reliable and the Emperors come with an extra media basket for your carbon. The water that is sent to the bio-wheel is also pre-filtered and is transported by a secondary pump. There is a place in the market for the Fluval C2. For the person who has a small tank, who wants to have trickle filter capability, this is a good choice. If you have a nano tank and would like to upgrade your power filter, the C2 is a good choice. It also holds more carbon than most comparably-sized power filter. For bigger tanks (30 gallons and up), I would recommend the Emperor line. Please keep in mind that your feeding habits will have a more profound effect on water quality than your choice of power filter. Fish can eat very little and do well. A medium-sized swordtail can be maintained on five flakes of Tetramin daily, for example. Naturally, if you are more concerned with maximum rate of growth, then you will have to feed a lot more. In that case you should also be prepared to change the water more often or make do with a smaller number of fish per tank. The trickle filter on the C2 may help decompose ammonia faster than an equivalent Aquaclear but you will still have nitrates to contend with. We've all overstocked and overfed before. It happens. The C2 might give you a little bit more flexibility in terms of stocking levels than an Aquaclear. I cannot say for sure because I am not able to test this out. I have both models along with the Whisper, but I cannot create a controlled situation in which to do a test. I just do not have the facility to do that. Nor the knowledge. But if you have the extra cash and if you are willing to spend a little bit more on replacement filter media, the Fluval C2 would be a better pick than the equivalent Aquaclear. It is at least as good in mechanical and in chemical filtration. The biological filtration is theoretically superior. I say give it a try.
Scritto da: trent
Decent HOB
Filter works well but lately it has started to slow down with the flow it puts out. Did a deep clean and still the same results. Ended up putting it on my 20 gallon tank which has been working well for it the past week.
Scritto da: brian
Dependable unit
Strong flow filters well. One consideration , if you run a deep tank the pick length is inadequate and the add on extender is garbage of the highest order. Plan on creating your own extension . That said i will buy this again. Ill just know better than buy the over priced under designed incredibly poor fitting very weak extender
Scritto da: L.Tyson
Disappointed. Noisy. EU plug.
The filter itself was a lot bigger then I imagined even though I saw the description. It was also scuffed on one side, which is odd for a new product. The first let down was when I saw it had a EU plug. The second let down was when I saw it had NO English instructions, further proving this was not made for the UK. Having bought this from amazon.co.uk, I thought I would have little chance of getting an EU product as mentioned in the other comments. This is not Fluvals fault per say, more the sellers (amazon). I decided to plug in the filter with the only adaptor plug I had to see if it would be worth spending more money for another adaptor, however, it wasnt. Setting it up was simple enough and I removed all the media first so that if anything wasnt to my liking, I could send it back media unused. It sounds like rocks in a tumble drier. I am not new to filters, having had 3 already noisy filters in the past so after the air came out and I gave it a little shake, checked the impellor, it was still noisy as hell and it wasnt the waterfall or tank vibration, or filter casing, it was inside the filter itself. I took it all out and let it all dry and it is currently sat by the front door to be picked up.
Scritto da: CC
Fantastic Filter but Shipped with EU Plug!
The media could not be loaded. For started Amazon royally messed up with this one - the item is shipped with an EU plug so bear this in mind. Disregard most reviews on here, the filter when set up correctly is near silent. English instructions are available the Fluval website but basically it’s important to fill the filter with water before turning it on. Then after the filter gets rid of any air it runs near silent and is barely noticeable. The filter looks great and all media can be replaced whilst it’s running which is a bonus. The trickle feed is brilliant and exactly what I needed for a betta aquarium which doesn’t need a lot of water flow.
Scritto da: Mr. Thomas A. Byrne
A new style pump
After going through a number of external pumps which all seemed to ultimately start to leak over the carpets I decided to give the Fluval C clip on a try. It was easy to set up is quieter than the other pumps and the little device indicating if the filter is blocked is ideal. Installation must be planed carefully as it is a clip on device. The only negative aspect is the filters which are hard to obtain. Stocked in US but postage is horrendous. Also stock on Amazon DE but is difficult to use website if you cannot speak German ( can use website translator but it does not translate any authorisation messages which pop up). Finally found a generic filter on Amazon from China takes a while to come via China Mail I awaiting my shipment.
Scritto da: John Falla
Great if you're lucky enough to get a quiet one
For reasons I don't understand, hang-off-the-back (HOB) filters seem very unpopular in the UK. I like them and this one in particular because 1. I don't like having an internal filter taking up lots of space and looking ugly 2. Removing the sponge for rinsing is so much easier than with an internal filter (and button pops up to tell you when to do it) 3. It's a fraction of the price of an external filter and there's less risk of flooding your floor 4. No objective measure of this, but with its big sponge, trickle-down biological compartment and third compartment for extra sponge/biomedia (officially for carbon but few seem to think it worth spending money on), it seems to offer really good filtration compared with more internals 5. I really like the fact that reducing the flow is done by recycling more water within the filter rather than reducing motor speed, meaning more filtration of less water 6. The telescopic intake can easily be covered with sponge or stocking to stop baby shrimps or fry being sucked in (though from before I did this I've got one baby shrimp living happily inside the filter). On the minus side 1. It's a bit noisier than the internal I have, and I suspect always will be due to external motor and water trickling. You don't get a waterfall sound if you keep the tank topped up, but I wouldn't want this in a bedroom 2. It can be very noisy. If you've get an unbalanced impeller or faulty motor, it can rattle really loudly. I had to get a replacement sent out 3. Did I say it can be very noisy? I don't understand why Hagen doesn't test the motors before they leave the factory to ensure there's no rattling problem, seems to be unacceptably common 4. Starting up HOB filters is a little fiddly, you have to fill them up with water ("prime them") to avoid the pump running dry. But you can easily remove filter media without turning off the motor. 5. It protrudes 7 to 9 cm from the back or side of your tank (measured from inside of glass), and obviously requires a large hole in lid if your aquarium isn't open-top
Scritto da: Martin Siedek
extremely noisy and not having surface skimmer build in is very disadvantageous
the noisiest filter I have ever had. I have 3 fish tanks, 150l with three external filters that one can't hear even at night, and another overhang filter from all pond solutions, that you can also only hear the water trickle, but this one? Ou my god, its loud, when I pluged it in I thought something is broken, so I took it apart and checked, but all is good, then I checked the reviews and found there is an issue with noise on this particular one, some saying the noise goes away after two three weeks, so I kept it running, but it's been month now and it's as loud as the day I turned it on. also the all pond solution overhang filter has surface skimmer build in to the suction piece, kind of seems missing on this one, definitely in function as I got lot of biofilm build up. It's a shame it has these major flaws as otherwise I like the way the compartments are organized and the way i can see inside, size is good too. still running it but if it doesn't quite down in next few months, I'll be replacing it with something else.

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