CTEK (56-353) MULTI US 7002 12-Volt-Batterieladegerät, Schwarz




PRODUKTBESCHREIBUNG Das Multi US 7002 von CTEK Power ist ein primär getaktetes Batterieladegerät mit Impulserhaltung, das modernste Batterieladetechnologie darstellt. Der Multi US 7002 verfügt über mehrere Lademodi sowie eine einzigartige 8-stufige Ladekurve. Zusammengenommen ermöglichen diese raffinierten und neuen Technologien, dass das Multi US 7002 weit über die Fähigkeiten anderer 12-V-Ladegeräte hinausgeht und sogar ermittelt, ob eine Batterie die gegebene Ladung halten kann Fahrzeugbatterien erhalten die bestmögliche Pflege. AMAZON.COM Das Multi US 7002 von CTEK Power ist ein Batterieladegerät mit primärem Schaltmodus und Impulserhaltung, das modernste Technologie zum Laden von Batterien darstellt. Der Multi US 7002 verfügt über mehrere Lademodi sowie eine einzigartige 8-stufige Ladekurve. Zusammengenommen ermöglichen diese raffinierten und neuen Technologien, dass das Multi US 7002 weit über die Fähigkeiten anderer 12-V-Ladegeräte hinausgeht und sogar ermittelt, ob eine Batterie die gegebene Ladung halten kann Fahrzeugbatterien erhalten die bestmögliche Pflege. .caption { Schriftfamilie: Verdana, Helvetica neue, Arial, Serif; Schriftgröße: 10px; Schriftdicke: fett; Schriftstil: kursiv; } ul.indent { list-style: inside disc; Texteinzug: -15px; } table.callout { Schriftfamilie: verdana; Schriftgröße: 11px; Zeilenhöhe: 1,3em; } td.vgoverview { height: 125px; Hintergrund: #9DC4D8 url(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/G/01/electronics/detail-page/callout-bg.png) repeat-x; Rand links: 1 Pixel durchgehend #999999; Rand rechts: 1 Pixel durchgehend #999999; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; Polsterung unten: 10px; Breite: 250px; Schriftfamilie: Verdana; Schriftgröße: 12px; } Achtstufiger automatischer Batterieladezyklus. In Zukunft sind keine besonderen Kenntnisse über Batterien oder deren Lademethoden erforderlich. Dafür sorgt der Multi US 7002 von CTEK. Sobald Sie in den bevorzugten Modus gewechselt haben, ermittelt das Ladegerät seine eigenen Messwerte und beginnt dann, den Akku in 8 Schritten aufzuladen. Dazu gehören: Desulfatierung, die eine mögliche Wiederaufbereitung von Batterien ermöglicht, die aufgrund von Nichtgebrauch ihre Leistung verloren haben.; Softstart, der so lange lädt, bis die Klemmenspannung der Batterie auf einen voreingestellten Wert gestiegen ist; Bulk, bei dem eine Primäraufladung von ca. 80 % erfolgt; Absorption, eine letzte Ladephase, in der die Spannung auf einem voreingestellten Niveau gehalten wird; Analyse, bei der der Ladevorgang unterbrochen und die Spannung gemessen wird; Überholung, bei der der Batterie ein konstanter Strom von 1,5 A und eine maximale Spannung von 15,7 V zugeführt wird; Float, bei dem die Spannung konstant gehalten wird; und schließlich die Impuls-/Erhaltungsladung, bei der die Batterie einen Stromimpuls erhält, wenn die Spannung unter 95 % fällt, wodurch die Batterie auf unbestimmte Zeit in einwandfreiem Zustand bleibt, wenn sie nicht verwendet wird. Der Multi US 7002 eignet sich auch perfekt für Optima Yellow Top-Batterien und kann auch monatelang angeschlossen werden, was ideal für Saisonfahrzeuge ist. Sicheres, automatisches Laden mit drei separaten Modi, geeignet für alle Wetterbedingungen. Vergrößert anzeigen. 8-stufiges Laden des Akkus erklärt. Vergrößert anzeigen. Enthält Krokodilklemmen mit Kabeln für sofortige Verbindungen und einen Satz Batteriekabel mit Ösenklemmen für eine semipermanente Installation. Größer anzeigen. Verschiedene Modi für flexibles Laden. Größer anzeigen. Mehrere Modi für flexiblen Einsatz Der Multi US 7002 wurde speziell für unterschiedliche Anforderungen, Fahrzeuge und Batterien entwickelt. Vor diesem Hintergrund können Benutzer zwischen mehreren verschiedenen Modi wählen. Dazu gehören: Normale, für nasse, wartungsfreie und die meisten Gel-Batterien; Kaltwettermodus, empfohlen für den Einsatz bei Bedingungen <41 °F; Versorgungsmodus, ein Wartungsmodus, der eine konstante Spannung von 13,6 V liefert; und Recond Mode, ein einzigartiger Modus zur Rekonditionierung von stark entladenen Batterien. Laden für alle Wetterbedingungen. Das Multi US 7002 ist ein sehr leichtes und kompaktes Ladegerät, aber dennoch äußerst robust sowie wasser- und staubbeständig (IP65-Klassifizierung). Laden und warten Sie Batterien, unabhängig vom Wetter, der Temperatur oder der Situation. Der Multi US 7002 ist für den Einsatz zwischen –4 °F und +122 °F zertifiziert. Um die Arbeit einfacher und bequemer zu machen, kann der Comfort Connect (Ösenklemmen) dauerhaft an die Fahrzeugbatterie angeschlossen werden. Auf Sicherheit und Kompatibilität ausgelegtAlle CTEK-Modelle sind so konzipiert, dass die Sicherheit des Benutzers berücksichtigt wird. Sie sind funkenfrei, was den Anschluss angesichts der Gase, die Batterien normalerweise produzieren, viel einfacher und sicherer macht. Der Multi US 7002 ist zudem verpolungssicher und kurzschlussfest. Ein rotes Licht am Ladegerät zeigt einfach an, dass der Ladevorgang erst beginnen kann, wenn der Benutzer das Ladegerät richtig angeschlossen hat. Hauptmerkmale: * Automatischer Ladevorgang in acht Schritten mit patentierter Desulfatierungsfunktion zur Wiederherstellung von Batterien, die aufgrund von Nichtbenutzung Energie verloren haben. * Lädt 12-Volt-Blei-Säure-Batterien (Nass, MF, Gel, AGM und Ca). * Wartungsimpulsladung verlängert die Batterielebensdauer und sorgt für hervorragende Leistung. * Mehrere Modi, darunter: Normal, für Nassbatterien, wartungsfrei und die meisten Gelbatterien; Kaltwettermodus; Versorgungsmodus, ein Wartungsmodus, der eine konstante Spannung von 13,6 V liefert; und Recond Mode, ein einzigartiger Modus zur Rekonditionierung stark entladener Batterien. * Geringe Rückstromaufnahme, geringe Welligkeit und unabhängig von der Eingangsspannung. * Lieferung mit zwei austauschbaren Anschlusskabeln, eines mit Klemmen und eines mit Ösenklemmen. * Das Ladegerät kann monatelang angeschlossen werden, ideal für Saisonfahrzeuge, und das kompakte Design mit Befestigungslöchern ermöglicht eine dauerhafte Montage. * 5 Jahre eingeschränkte Garantie. Die CTEK-Batterieladegeräte-Reihe US 800 UC 800 Multi US 3300 Multi US 7002 –60 Hz Ausgangsspannung: Nominal: 12 V Nominal: 6 V Nominal: 12 V Nominal: 12 V Effizienz: Hoch 85 % Hoch 85 % Hoch 85 % Hoch 85 % Ladespannung: 14,4 V 7,2 V 14,4 V/14,7 V 14,4 V/14,7 V Ladestrom : 0,8 A max. 0,8 A max. 0,8/3,3 A max. 7 A max. Rückstromaufnahme*: <1 mAh <1 mAh <1 Ah pro Monat <1 Ah pro Monat Welligkeit**: ~2 % ~2 % ~2 % ~4 % Umgebungstemperatur: -4°F bis +122°F -4°F bis +122°F -4°F bis +122°F -4°F bis +122°F Ladegerättyp: 4-stufiger, vollautomatischer Schaltmodus mit Impulserhaltung 4-stufiger, vollautomatischer Schaltmodus mit Impulserhaltung 4-stufiger, vollautomatischer Schaltmodus mit Impulserhaltung 8-stufiger, vollautomatischer Schaltmodus mit Erhaltungsimpuls/Erhaltung Batterietyp: 12-V-Blei-Säure-Batterien (Nass, MF, AGM und die meisten GEL). ) 6-V-Blei-Säure-Batterien (Nass, MF, AGM und die meisten GEL) 12-V-Blei-Säure-Batterien (Nass, MF, AGM, GEL und Ca) 12-V-Blei-Säure-Batterien (Nass, MF, AGM, GEL und Ca) Batteriekapazität : 1,2–32 Ah (Laden) 1,2–100 Ah (Wartung) 1,2–32 Ah (Laden) 1,2–100 Ah (Wartung) 1,2–75 Ah (Laden) 1,2–120 Ah (Wartung) 14–150 Ah (Laden) 14–225 Ah (Wartung) Abmessungen (L x B x H): 5½ x 2 x 1½ Zoll 5½ x 2 x 1½ Zoll 6½ x 2⅜ x 1½ Zoll 8½ x 3½ x 1⅞ Zoll Isolationsklasse: IP65 (spritzwasser- und staubgeschützt) IP65 (spritzwasser- und staubgeschützt) IP65 (spritzwasser- und staubgeschützt) IP65 (spritzwasser- und staubgeschützt) Gewicht: 0,7 Pfund 0,7 Pfund 1,1 Pfund 1,7 Pfund * Der Rückstrom entlädt den Akku, wenn das Ladegerät ohne angeschlossenes Netzkabel angeschlossen ist. ** Welligkeit beschreibt die Qualität von Strom und Spannung. Eine hohe Stromwelligkeit erhitzt die Batterie und verkürzt ihre Lebensdauer. Ein lineares Ladegerät hat eine Stromwelligkeit von 70–400 %, was viel größer ist als die maximalen 5 % für eine moderne versiegelte Batterie. Hohe Spannungsschwankungen können andere Geräte beschädigen, die an die Batterie angeschlossen sind. Der Multi US 7002 liefert Spannung und Strom mit sehr geringer Welligkeit. Der Akku hat eine lange Lebensdauer und es besteht keine Gefahr einer Beschädigung anderer an den Akku angeschlossener elektronischer Geräte. Lieferumfang: 1 CTEK Multi US 7002 12-V-Batterieladegerät, 1 Satz Batteriekabel mit Batterieklemmen, 1 Satz Batteriekabel mit Ösenklemmen, ausführliche Anleitung. 5 Jahre eingeschränkte Garantie. CTEK Sweden AB gewährt 5 Jahre begrenzte, nicht übertragbare Garantie ab Kaufdatum für den Erstkäufer dieses Produkts gegen Verarbeitungs- oder Materialfehler. Über CTEK Power, Inc. CTEK Power Inc. entwirft und entwickelt eine einzigartige Serie von Batterieladegeräten und Speziallösungen für alle Arten von Blei-Säure-Batterien für den persönlichen und professionellen Gebrauch. Sicherheit, Einfachheit und Flexibilität sind Schlüsselwörter und Anforderungen, die für alle von CTEK entwickelten und verkauften Produkte und Lösungen gelten. CTEK hat weltweit mehr als zwei Millionen Batterieladegeräte verkauft und verfügt über eigene Niederlassungen in den USA und China. Die Haupt- und Entwicklungsbüros befinden sich in Vikmanshyttan, Dalarna, Schweden.

Keine Einheiten verfügbar
Das kompakte Design mit Befestigungslöchern ermöglicht eine dauerhafte Montage und macht dieses Ladegerät ideal für praktisch alle Fahrzeugbatterien bis zu 150 Ah. Das Laden mit Wartungsimpulsen verlängert die Batterielebensdauer und sorgt für eine hervorragende Leistung. Die patentierte Desulfatierungsfunktion ermöglicht die Wiederherstellung leicht sulfatierter Batterien. Lädt 12-Volt-Blei-Säure-Batterien (Nass, MF, Gel, AGM und Ca) von 14 Ah bis 150 Ah (Laden) oder 14 Ah bis 225 Ah (Wartung). Achtstufiges, automatisches Laden mit Schalter und vier separate Lademodi, die zusammen ein einfaches, bequemes Laden des Akkus ohne Uhr ermöglichen. Enthält zwei austauschbare Anschlusskabel, eines mit Klemmen und eines mit Ösenklemmen. Enthaltene Komponenten: 1 Ladegerät, Klemmen, Ösen. Passformtyp: Universelle Passform.
Brand CTEK
Brand ‎CTEK
Color Black
Country of Origin ‎China
Customer Reviews 4.7 4.7 out of 5 stars 2,055 ratings 4.7 out of 5 stars
Exterior ‎Machined
Input Voltage 120 Volts
Is Discontinued By Manufacturer ‎No
Item model number ‎56-353
Item Weight 1.76 Pounds
Item Weight ‎1.76 pounds
Manufacturer ‎CTEK
Manufacturer Part Number ‎56-353
Model ‎56-353
OEM Part Number ‎56-353
Product Dimensions 8.5"D x 1"W x 3.5"H
Product Dimensions ‎7.52 x 3.5 x 1.89 inches


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Scritto da: Kindle Customer
Simply excellent.
I have used this numerous times over a 10 year period of ownership. It has paid for itself many, many times. Back in 2013, this cost about $96 dollars. With the cost of a new battery anywhere from 100 to 300 dollars, just one use will return you your money. My wife ran down her 2014 Prius 12v battery and that would have cost me $250! This is well built and has always worked for me. I just hood it up and let it do all the work as I've found it analyzes the battery and charges it if it can be done. So far, it has never failed to charge every battery every time. You can leave it hooked up as long as needed with worrying that it will fry anything. This is a smart charger that does multiple things and is not just a cheap trickle charger. No brainer! I've used this about 20-30 times over the years and never had to replace a battery while owning it. Granted, the Prius normally goes through a battery every 8-9 years, but still that is a lot of money in my pocket. Highly recommended!
Scritto da: TinkerGuy
1999 Porsche 911 (996) 3.4 - the best (and patented) trickle-charging tech in the marketplace
November 2017 Update: I acquired a 1999 Porsche 996 911 Carrera 3.4 in January 2017 in excellent condition with an Optima Red Top Battery that had not been charged as often as it probably needed to be. These P-Cars are known for having huge issues with battery drain while sitting, and this red top seemed to struggle to start the car on a warm FL summer day when I first got it. In went the cigarette lighter charging adapter (911's are designed with this cig port to be used with system charging in mind and has a max or 7-8 amps of charging input, so it's safe to use on a continual basis). I first selected "recond" after the charger error'd out a few times as I attempted to initiate a charge cycle on the normal setting. The cycle started and took a little longer than 8 hours. After it completed, the car now started much easier (though, I still remain unimpressed with the red tops from optima; it has almost 50% more CCA than the OEM battery). I use the AGM mode for best Optima Battery results. I appreciate that CTEK makes it impossible for it to overcharge the battery OR damage my car's electrical system. The Porsche Techquipment charger is a rebranded and simplified MUS 3300 which they sell for over $200 USD. The 7002 is more functional, more powerful, and less expensive. I won't be using another battery charger brand. CTEK keeps earning my business. **************************************************************************************************** I have been using this for a few months now, on four different batteries (2006 Toyota 4Runner 4.7 V8, 2013 Nissan Altima 3.5 V6, 2013 Ford Explorer 2.0T, 2003 Ford Explorer 4.0 V6 SOHC). The 2003 Explorer battery is 3 years old and the 4Runner battery is 5 years old and I live in Central Florida (hot hot heat for most of the year). Each of these were minimally affected by a Battery Tender Plus even when left on that for an entire week. I suspect that some people who use the smaller MUS 4.3 chargerCTEK (56-864) MUS 4.3 12 Volt Fully Automatic 8 Step Battery Charger and have reported that it will not fully charge a larger battery that is badly depleted, should investigate upgrading to this (7002) charger. It simply pushes more current than the MUS 4.3. For badly discharged batteries, there is often a "hump" of current that, if a charger cannot supply, then the battery simply will not begin to charge. However, connecting to a charger that is more powerful usually remedies this issue. The 7002 has enough juice for car and truck batteries that you don't need to jump-start the battery with an old fashioned 30-amp+ jump-starting-machine. It's significantly more powerful than a trickle charger. Also, every Battery Tender I've used gets VERY hot when charging. Their metal cases become uncomfortable to touch, with their surfaces exceeding 135 F according to my IR thermometer. The CTEK 7002 gets warm, to be sure, but it never breaks 100 F even in 92+ degree ambient temps. I bought the rubber protective cover and this allows one to stand the charger on its edge (with the display facing you), also providing additional cooling.CTEK 40-058 Bumper For Battery Charger 7002 Money well spent. The CTEK pulsed voltage charging is a patented technology that truly does extend battery life. This is not only an excellent battery charger (NOT a trickle charger), but it's also got possibly the best battery maintainer/trickle charging ability that currently exists on the market. There's a reason CTEK are the factory provided chargers for Mercedes Benz, Audi, Porsche, VW, BMW, Lamborghini, Bentley, and Corvette, to name a few. In fact, the C7 Corvette Stingray has a CTEK charging port in its cargo area built-in, right from the factory. The little experience I do have with a NOCO G7200, it didn't charge a battery any faster than this CTEK 7002 on a depleted Odyssey deep cycle AGM battery. In fact, the NOCO was basically stuck at a 25% on the readout for about 24 hours. Unplugging and plugging the charger did not reset the display. Switching to the CTEK 7002 it has more vague (but likely more honest) indicators and it remained in bulk charging mode for several hours (10+). I disconnected the battery and let it sit for several days and it was still indicating 99+% on the battery tester after the wait period. Both chargers were in AGM mode (as this was an AGM battery). The NOCO got noticeably warmer than the CTEK, but not as warm as some Battery Tenders I've used. I certainly wouldn't recommend against a NOCO, but they certainly are not on-par with CTEK. Buy once, cry once. The added bonus of it being impossible for the CTEK to overcharge a healthy battery is a very nice plus...adds warm fuzzies inside for me. Lastly, a note: All chargers are going to be sensitive to the quality of the electricity supplied to them. If you have frequent brown-outs, or noisy (low quality) electrical service, go ahead an grab something like the Triplite IsoBar 2 UltraBlok to plug the CTEK intoTripp Lite Isobar 2 Outlet Direct Plug-in Surge Protector/Suppressor Diagnostic LEDs (ULTRABLOK) . It will protect the charger and the vehicle/battery being charged. Also, If you use a std extension cord between the CTEK and the outlet, use at least 12/3 AWG cord. Many beefy-LOOKING extension cords are actually 18 AWG (significantly smaller) and this can put a strain on the charger. I also invested in the comfort connect extension cordCTEK 56-304-1 Comfort Connect Extension Cable, 8.2 Feet . This cord can be smaller in AWG because it is only carrying DC current, not AC. It's really handy for the garage and allows the charger to just lie on your work bench.
Scritto da: Dustyzon
Been working fine since day one
I had to get one of these since my Jeep JK 2013 kept draining its battery. Besides keeping the charge on my jeep battery I used it on a battery used to start my power generator of my business. Bear in mind, this battery is longer and heavier than the usual vehicle battery. But since I noticed that it says 12v, I decided why not? The battery was dead already so might as well give it a shot and buy a new one. Did recondition on it and next day the generator fired up like it was new! So I say it works! There can be times you may have to still buy a new battery, but I got lucky on it.
Scritto da: Teresa McMahon
Perfect to keep my engine running
Compact, as described , and a value for your money. I would definitely recommend
Scritto da: Mountain Voyageur
Works well
As far as I can see, this works well. I do not drive a lot and this is easy to use so I just top off the battery once a month, just as a preventive measure. So far, so good.
Scritto da: Amazon Customer
Great battery charger
works great
Scritto da: Robert Starke
report on 7002 performance
My first use of this charger was to try and recover a battery from a pickup truck that was 3 years old and had been sitting unused for several months. The voltage had dropped very low, not sure how low. I had tried to recover it with a Schumacher SSC 1500a ship n shore 2/10/15amp charger. I hooked it up twice and after some hours in each case the charger reached a reported 67%charge and then stopped charging and reported a bad battery. This Schumacher charger still will charge a battery that is not too far gone. Next I hooked up the Ctek 7002.The Ctek has a mode button and a total of 12 LED indicator lamps labeled 0 through 6 and A through E. I pressed the mode button for normal charge. The following indicator LED's on the charger dashboard where on: A ( power to charger), B (normal charge),1( flashing indicates the charger is starting in desulphation mode). After a while LED 1 stops flashing and stays on ( starting phase for charging at a lower voltage) When the battery terminal voltage reaches a preset level the next phase of charging is initiated. Im my case this level was not reached before 8 hours so charging was suspended and the Lamp 0 (error) was on. This could mean a bad battery or it might mean the battery was very discharged and you need to try again. I hit the mode button again and the charger started again in normal mode LED B and charge LED 2 (bulk charge) were on. The terminal voltage was above 12 volts at this point and with the charger connected the charging voltage was 13.5V. According to Ctek the charger decides what voltage to use based on the condition of the battery but the maximum voltage in normal charging mode is 14.4 V. After some time LED 3 (absorption charge) came on. At the end of this stage the charging voltage has tapered off the charger stops charging and the charger checks the battery terminal voltage over a period of time and if it drops too quickly the error light comes on indicating the battery could be faulty. My battery made it past this step without triggering the error lamp and went into stage 4 ( maintenance charging), LED 4 is on. For 10 days the battery receives a constant 13.6 volts and then goes into pulse charging every time the battery looses 5% of it's charge. In pulse charge mode the charging is interrupted when the pulses reach 14.4V in normal mode. The battery can stay in this stage for as long as you like(just add water if needed). The terminal voltage (charger disconnected) was at 13.3 volts. This is better than I could get with the Schumacher. I hooked the battery up to the Schumacher at this point and it reported 100%charge. In my case since my battery was severely discharged when I started, I switched it to recondition mode LED E and LED 2 came on. After awhile the LED's cycled through the charging stages until LED 4 came on again. Ideally the battery would then go into recondition mode, LED 6 on, the charge amperage goes to a constant 1.5 A and a maximum 15.7V. After a period up to 4 hours the charger goes back to maintenance pulse charging and LED 6 is still on. According to Ctek there is not a definite amount of time before the charger will switch into recondition mode and in some cases a battery may be still usable but never be able to go into recondition mode because it can not achieve full capacity even though it is as charged as it can get in it's degraded state. I suppose the lesson here is keep your battery desulphated on a regular basis and recondition it as soon as possible after a deep discharge for longest life. This was not made fully clear in the manual so I hope you find this information useful. I am waiting to see if this battery makes it to recondition mode, if it doesn't I will put it back into service and update the performance of this rescued battery after it has been put back in service for awhile. I have other batteries to recondition so I will report back on my success with them as well. I am giving the charger 5 stars for build quality, and the fact that it seems to work better than my Schumacher at making my battery usable again. The manual has the basic information in it to operate the charger which is fairly easy to understand, but I would have preferred more detailed descriptions of what to expect as far as outcomes and what is going on during the different modes of operation. The case has a pocket for the manual, very nice.
Scritto da: S.P
Great product.
Great product; it is very intuitive and easy to use straight out of the box. Perfect if you don’t drive the car as often during winter and needed the drip charge feature to ensure the battery doesn’t get deep discharged.
Scritto da: LunchBoxSteve
3 Years in use and still the best charger I own
I purchased this charger 3 years ago. At the time I thought the price was super expensive but I decided to trust the reviews and the good name of CTEK. Well I'm glad I did. It has been a rock solid reliable charger that has been doing an amazing job keeping my vehicle battery fully charged and maintained. I have it mounted under the hood of my vehicle and I plug in my vehicle any time it's resting in the driveway to keep the battery fully charged and maintained year round and also warm in the winter. I'm happy to report that my 3 year old battery is still showing 95% usable capacity thanks to this regiment. That's right. The battery it's maintaining which should normally last 5 years and is 60% through what should be normal life is still showing 95% of it's CCA capacity still. That is a testament to the charging program and quality of this charger. I've since bought more of these to maintain my lawn and garden equipment and generator batteries etc. They are just awesome and I would highly recommend them. They are worth every penny! Far better than the less expensive competing brands sold on Amazon! You get what you pay for and this is it!
Scritto da: Murray
Ctek is considered to be one of the best "intelligent battery chargers" on the market.
This is my second Ctek Battery Charger. The original is still doing what it was originally purchased to do. I love this product because you can put your vehicle or lawn mower to bed for the winter by connecting it to a Ctek and walk away and leave it until spring, checking it ocassionally. I put my sports car away every winter. By using the Ctek I was able to get 13 years out of the original battery when most batteries are only good for a maximum of 5 or 6 years.
Scritto da: Rick Taraby
Plug, choose charging mode, let it work
Simple and easy to set up. Plug it in, choose the charging mode and let it work. We are a two-vehicle family. The main vehicle is used nearly daily. The second vehicle can be left in the unheated garage for 3 to 4 days. During the warm summer, the second vehicle started without a problem. Since the temperature dropped, I have had to jump-start it three times. I have been using the CTEK (56-353) Multi US 7002 for about two weeks and the second vehicle starts without a problem.
Scritto da: Amazon Customer
Plug and play. Works great, Very happy with the result.
Smart Battery charger. Happy that it works, for what it is designed for. Totally happy with the product. I would recommend to others.

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